Universidad de Murcia

Historical standings at SWERC

Universidad de Murcia

2016: 31st (The Hash Coders) 34th (Resource acq is initialization)
2015: 22nd (UM2) 42nd (Optimus Path)
2014: 18th (Polymorphic Code) 34th (New NULL team)
2013: 4th (NULL) 24th (nullptr)
2012: 19th (NULL Team) 39th (CodeBreakers)
2011: 10th (NULL Team) 27th (Wrong C++)
2010: 8th (UMU NULL) 15th (UMU GUMIAS TEAM) 30th (UMU LOL CODERS)
2009: 13th (FOR EXAMPLE) 26th (EQUIPO A) 27th (SI PLAS PLAS)
2008: 41st (Programo Ergo Sum) 41st (Sunday Balloons)
2007: 24th (Sudo) 45th (A_mi_me_da_igual_el_nombre) 50th (No__hijo__no)
2006: 30th (TODAY HOT, TOMORROW COLD) 35th (MPI) 50th (EL CHATO MURCIANO) 55th (UM)
2005: 23rd (EJ4M) 27th (Mongos Revolutions)
2004: 24th (YFKUF (oR)) 26th (Los Maquinas de Turing)
2003: 26th (Murcia 2) 33rd (Murcia 1)

No participation recorded before 2003. The data in this page is semi-automatically collected, do not hesitate to send corrections if any.

Gold sponsors

Palantir Société Générale Criteo Labs

Silver sponsors

Almerys Télécom ParisTech

Bronze sponsor

Google Inria