University of the Basque Country

Historical standings at SWERC

University of the Basque Country

2016: 32nd (2B || ! 2B) 55th (Zerotan Bele) 59th (Berri Txarrak)
2015: 38th (Dijkstroyer) 41st (Jo ta k(od)e)
2014: 6th (Stark overflow) 36th (Weregeeks)
2013: 20th (goto hell;) 38th (EUITI Bilbo)
2012: 26th (FISS)

No participation recorded before 2012. The data in this page is semi-automatically collected, do not hesitate to send corrections if any.

Gold sponsors

Palantir Société Générale Criteo Labs

Silver sponsors

Almerys Télécom ParisTech

Bronze sponsor

Google Inria