FC Universidade do Porto

Historical standings at SWERC

FC Universidade do Porto

2019–2020: 33rd (Pucci Gang) 53rd (Panacea TeAm)
2018: 12th (FCUP 1)
2017: 15th (FCUP-1) 38th (FCUP-2)
2016: 6th (FCUP-1) 47th (FCUP-2) 57th (FCUP-3)
2015: 7th (Ancelistas) 33rd (The Bit Strikes Back) 49th (Jaime Alergeno)
2014: 12th (Ancelistas) 36th (Borgasort)
2013: 21st (Ancelistas73)
2012: 30th (Ancelistas 314)
2008: 19th (Theorem) 24th (Divide_N_Conquer)
2007: 41st (DepthFirstPelicanLater)
2006: 8th (The Phoenix Foundation)
2005: 8th (The Phoenix Foundation)
2004: 5th (FCUP Zendik Coders)
2003: 11th (FCUP Ansible Coders)
2002: 17th (Virtuais) 33rd (HMJ3)
2001: 7th (Virtuais) 36th (MixCC)
2000: 2nd (University of Porto / Faculty of Science)
1999: 11th (University of Porto - Faculty of Science 1) 16th (University of Porto - Faculty of Science 2)

No participation recorded before 1999. The data in this page is semi-automatically collected, do not hesitate to send corrections if any.

Gold sponsor

Jane Street

Bronze sponsors

Jump Trading Sopra Steria

Institutional sponsors

Région Île de France

ICPC Global sponsors

Huawei JetBrains IBM

Lisbon local sponsors

Critical TechWorks Unbabel