Past editions

The following table lists the previous SWERC editions:

Year Location Link Results
2023–2024 Paris (France) original
2022–2023 Milan (Italy) original
2021–2022 Milan (Italy) original
2020–2021 Online original
2019–2020 Paris (France) original
2018 Paris (France) original
2017 Paris (France) original
2016 Porto (Portugal) scoreboard cached
2015 Porto (Portugal) scoreboard cached
2014 Porto (Portugal) scoreboard cached
2013 València (Spain) scoreboard cached
2012 València (Spain) scoreboard cached
2011 Madrid (Spain) scoreboard cached
2010 Madrid (Spain) scoreboard cached
2009 Madrid (Spain) scoreboard cached
2008 Nüremberg (Germany) scoreboard cached
2007 Lisbon (Portugal) cached
2006 Lisbon (Portugal) cached
2005 Paris (France) cached
2004 Paris (France) cached
2003 Paris (France) cached
2002 Porto (Portugal) cached
2001 Porto (Portugal) cached
2000 Valladolid (Spain) cached
1999 Valladolid (Spain) cached
1998 Ulm (Germany) cached
1997 Ulm (Germany) cached
1996 Zurich (Switzerland) cached
1995 Zurich (Switzerland)

As far as we are aware, SWERC started in 1995. Before that year, there was WERC. Please contact us if you have more information on past editions and historical rankings at SWERC.

See also this structured XML database of historical results.

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