Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Historical standings at SWERC

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

2019–2020: 65th (The Binary Three)
2018: 74th (The Binary Three)
2017: 61st (The Binary Three)
2016: 41st (The Binary Three)
2015: 24th (UPF1)
2014: 36th (The Binary Three)
2013: 25th (UPF1) 40th (UPF2)
2012: 31st (UPF)
2011: 26th (UPF)
2010: 22nd (UPF)
2009: 31st (UPF1) 31st (UPF2)
2008: 30th (UPFOne) 39th (UPF1)
2007: 48th (UPF2) 63rd (UPF1)
2006: 59th (UPF 1)

No participation recorded before 2006. The data in this page is semi-automatically collected, do not hesitate to send corrections if any.

Gold sponsor

Bending Spoons Jane Street

Bronze sponsor

Google Cloud Cefriel

ICPC Global sponsors

Huawei JetBrains