École Polytechnique

Historical standings at SWERC

École Polytechnique

2019–2020: 1st (EP Chopper) 4th (EP Rouje) 20th (EP Zero)
2018: 7th (EP red) 19th (EP white) 20th (EP blue)
2017: 10th (EP1) 21st (EP2)
2016: 18th (BIRL++) 22nd (out of range) 39th (Mad Hackerz)
2015: 19th (XCN) 27th (XFR) 32nd (XBR)
2014: 17th (char latões) 26th (S34) 36th (boolceta)
2013: 6th (Triforce) 17th (innerLoop) 22nd (SaprisTeam)
2012: 8th (Enter) 9th (Escape) 14th (Laurthurius)
2011: 7th (X08 BonassiFerraroLinhares) 29th (X09 DarcetSimonnetThiebaut)
2010: 3rd (X08 AndréFerraroJacques) 18th (X08 EdouardGuSimon)
2009: 10th (X07 HenryMuriloRafael) 14th (X08 AndreJoseLevi)
2008: 12th (X07 HenryRafaelMurilo) 32nd (X06 EricJulienMarc) 34th (X06 PierreOlivierVictor)
2007: 7th (X2005) 35th (X2006)
2006: 25th (X2004 1) 27th (X2004 2) 37th (X2005 1)
2005: 12th (EP1) 54th (EP2)
2004: 8th (Ecole Polytechnique 1) 11th (Ecole Polytechnique 2) 28th (Ecole Polytechnique 3) 42nd (X Guests)
2003: 7th (Ecole Polytechnique 1) 9th (Ecole Polytechnique 2) 16th (Ecole Polytechnique 3)
2000: 4th (Ecole Polytechnique de Paris 2) 6th (Ecole Polytechnique de Paris 1) 11th (Ecole Polytechnique de Paris 3)

No participation recorded before 2000. The data in this page is semi-automatically collected, do not hesitate to send corrections if any.

Gold sponsor

Bending Spoons Jane Street

Bronze sponsor

Google Cloud Cefriel

ICPC Global sponsors

Huawei JetBrains