ENS Paris-Saclay

Historical standings at SWERC

ENS Paris-Saclay

2019–2020: 32nd (Kramel) 62nd (Kpuccino) 64th (Kssoulet)
2018: 25th (CMD Paris Saclay) 32nd (Fis[team] :3) 79th (Mes Dudes)
2017: 17th (CMD Paris-Saclay) 26th (Paris, Saclay des liENS)
2016: 27th (Middle-third) 45th (4chan 4ever) 46th (CMD Paris-Saclay)
2015: 13th (4chan) 21st (Amicale Cachanaise de Magie)
2014: 36th (4chan)
2013: 15th (Action de groupe)

No participation recorded before 2013. The data in this page is semi-automatically collected, do not hesitate to send corrections if any.

Gold sponsor

Bending Spoons Jane Street

Bronze sponsor

Google Cloud Cefriel

ICPC Global sponsors

Huawei JetBrains