Politecnico di Milano

Historical standings at SWERC

Politecnico di Milano

2019–2020: 9th (Moradonellani) 46th (splitmergerotatetreap) 66th ([object Object])
2018: 9th (Moradonellani) 80th (0xDEADC0DE) 87th (DefinitelyNotTourist)
2017: 37th (ArdRocSol) 43rd (Send Nodes)
2016: 16th (IDK Man) 19th (std::rand) 44th (PoliMi)

No participation recorded before 2016. The data in this page is semi-automatically collected, do not hesitate to send corrections if any.

Gold sponsor

Bending Spoons Jane Street

Bronze sponsor

Google Cloud Cefriel

ICPC Global sponsors

Huawei JetBrains